Is there any revolution awaiting in the Solar Industry?
What can we envision in the Solar Energy Technology beyond 2020? By solar power we have a tendency of instantly thinking of blue colour solar panels installed on rooftop or lawn. This simply indicates the fact that solar power is still beyond reach of the common people. But good news is solar power is slowly making its way into our lives. In the name of Solar Technology, till now only the traditional blue coloured silicon panels have dominated the market. Now, in this post I am discussing five important solar technologies that have the tendency to revolutionize the solar industry in the next 10 years.
Floating Solar Farms
The solar panels that you see often are silicon panels. Now as technology is advancing, these silicon panels are getting cheaper and cheaper. New researches have shown that these panels, if placed, over large water bodies or reservoirs give higher efficiency including a host of other advantages as well. So, from photovoltaics, another new term has arisen as "Floatovoltaics". So, probably you have got an idea from the name that these are something we may called as floating voltaics. Floatovoltaics are actually solar power systems that are designed in a way to float in dams, reservoirs and other water bodies.
Such a floatovoltaic system can generate an excessive amount of electricity in a very cost-effective manner as there is no requirement of land and real estate. Also the installation cost in case of the floatovoltaics is less than that of land based system. An interesting fact is that, because of the cooling effect of water, the floating solar system generates 10% more power. They reduce loss of water through evaporation and as such can aid in the water management system. They can even prevent the growth of unwanted algae. So, there is less costing towards water treatment. So, definitely this one is a sustainable solar technology. Commercially, 175 kWh floating panel system was installed for the first time in California in 2008.
Solar Fabric
Everyday, we are prone to sun's rays or solar radiation in one way or the other. So, why not we use this radiation to generate power while we are actually moving from one position to another. Researchers have been continuously working towards making solar fabrics that will probably be fixed on your cap, jacket, trousers, sweater, shirts and shoes. This will keep your body warmer, charge your phone and provide any kind of power requirement while you walk. If house hold clothing can also have this facilities in future, then you can save your money against solar panel mounting and installation.
Solar Skin
This can be taken as another advanced step towards solar power enhancement. Here, you get the option to customize your solar panels or you can say the idea of this technology is to add custom designs to your solar panels. Unlike conventional solar panels, solar skin can camouflage in the material they are attached with. They can exactly matched the grassy lawns or rooftops of your house or office. Just imagine a store front's banner with its logo is actually powering it as it is actually a solar skin and you are in disguise.